Being a part of the PMC makes me a better person in more ways than I understand, and now I understand more than I did before this weekend. This recognition (?) was triggered by great friend Adrienne who said: "Good job!, and thank you - in all sincerity - for making the world that much better for the rest of us by your efforts. Way to go!" Each word resonates in different ways, creating a melody that soothes my tired legs and body.

"Thank you" is on my mind. I heard it, quite literally, a thousand times or more this weekend. Everyone was thankful. Volunteers, spectators, sponsors, friends, patients, and bus drivers thanked riders for riding. Riders thanked sponsors for funding, spectators for cheering and coming out (you can't know how great it is to be cheered energetically about 100 feet from the top of a hill!), patients for sharing themselves, volunteers for pouring water or making the most delicious peanut butter and banana sandwiches. DJs thanked riders and riders thanked DJs.
There were a lot of "Pleases," and ten times more "Thank yous."
Saying "Thank you" makes me more thankful, and I can always recognize more objects of gratitude.
Here's a starter list of ten...
"Thank you" for sharing your loved ones with me. I'm getting "verklempt" just thinking how thoroughly your loving words and beautiful pictures of survivors and angels made it easy to hammer up the hills, descend safely, and speed across the flats. Ask Joe, Ted, Rob, or Rob -- I was stronger than ever this weekend.
"Thank you" to more than 75 people who have already donated to the PMC/Jimmy Fund. Wow! You all pushed me through the fundraising minimum of $4000 before I left for the opening ceremonies on Friday, and now I see that we are
From those 75+, "Thank you" to the 52 people who have donated online to the PMC/Jimmy Fund. (FYI: the fundraising deadline is at the end of September, so please feel thoroughly encouraged to donate, or to invite 30 friends to join you. (33 friends * $33 = $1,000 more to fund life-saving research.))
"Thank you" to the 16 people who put riders on my PMC PaceLine. I love seeing you there, reading your notes, and knowing that you joined me that way. (Andy, Alison, Stephen and Rob, what were you thinking about with those color choices?! Christy, you look hot! Stephen, you are wearing the Team Avanti blue!)
"Thank you," Jane and Gary, for embracing us in the warmth of your home, family, and friends. It's a highlight.
"Thank you," Rob and Rob, for getting up so early and meeting us at mile 52. The last 25 was funner and faster because of you. And so much more.
"Thank you" to the PMC staff for having Tylenol, ice, antihistamines, vaseline, and sun screen. Whatever we need, they've already thought of and put right where we need it.
"Thank you" to the chiropractor who did free treatments about 7/10 of a mile from the finish. I'm doing that every time I ride from here on in!
"Thank you" to Joy, the massage therapist in the medical tent who takes great delight in finding and exterminating knots in riders necks, shoulders, and backs.
"Thank you" to Harpoon Brewery for......beer!
That's ten and I could go on for hours. Thank you for reading this far!
PS: I'll write a "trip report" soon. This was a very amusing weekend of coincidences and meet-ups.
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