Today was the first "real" ride of the season -- Team Avanti hit the roads at 6 a.m., and not a moment too soon, for the PMC is only 75 days away. We rode the "Eastern European" to Carlisle and Concord, though nobody knows why it's called that. One thought is that the stone walls evoke Eastern Europe. More likely, some crazy Eastern European came out and screamed at bikers who were making too much noise at 6:20 some Sunday morning. Can't you just see a "frau" in a housecoat with a straw broom screaming while here husband, wearing black pants and suspenders, looks on with a dour look? Hey, it made the ride that much more fun.

See the
GPS trace from our rocket-scientist 'mate, who's just back from "Oz" and New Zealand.
Do you know Ros McLean (right). She's a great friend who was profiled in the PMC Yearbook. Among all the other things she did was jump out of an airplane.
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