Friday, October 10, 2008

Reflection on the PMC - 2008

(written August 5, 2008)

My emotions are in conflict right now. How can I cry and be so proud at the same time? So grateful and angry at the same second? I feel so strong and weak, exhausted and energized. Personally powerful with the ability to direct myself and simultaneously powerless to personally stop the advance of cancers. Sad at the loss of loved ones and conclusion of the event, and elated to have finished it strongly, with a team of great friends who I’ll see frequently, and look at with different eyes of affection and admiration.

It’s a shocking, inspiring dichotomy.

Perhaps that’s why the PMC works in such an unprecedented way. It combines my ability to be personally powerful in meeting the physical, logistical, and fundraising challenges while providing a platform for hope that our commitment can contribute to the eradication of cancer and all the associated pain. Optimism and joy rise so very, very high as I pedal and revel in the loving support and boisterous cheers of volunteers, spectators, teammates, family and friends.

And then I plummet to the depth of an unmatched sadness as I feel the loss of my Mom. And her friends. And my teammates’ loved ones. And my friends’, and their loved ones. I remember witnessing the pain and frustration of the battle with cancer that my Mom waged, and I sense the sum of the pain so many have faced. My heart feels shattered, and somehow my pain is relieved as I drain my legs and body of their strength during the ride.

Our practices of riding to honor cancer survivors, thrivers, and angels expands the number of loved ones who power my legs and, I hope and believe, receive some energy from my commitment, exertion, and love.

Taking action gives me hope. Acknowledging the challenges so many face and wallowing in my discomfort is productively humbling. Exhausting myself feels like a good way to contribute my energy to the population of cancer survivors and angels.

I am grateful to have the opportunity and ability to give, and proud to have done so. I have an agreement with myself to do my best. Sometimes I come wonderfully close to meeting that, and this year’s effort and results in the PMC is one of those sometimes. I look forward to chance to get even closer in 2009.



Thursday, June 12, 2008

First Ride

The PMC is in 50 days, and yesterday I got on my bike for the first time this season! Knee surgery and recuperation/rehab required the delay. So, 'ride #1', for the season was 43 days post-op an 50 days pre-PMC. I now feel as confident that I'll ride as the docs were skeptical that I would when we scgeduled surgery.

So what!!! This is such a sml challenge when compared to those faced by the patients, families, and loved ones who face the confrontation with cancer. Lucky me that a doc could snip, poke, drill and screw the solution into my knee!

It's a great day! The sun is shining, I'm breathing deeply as I pedal, and I'm reminded of the l pleasures life presents as my knee says 'hi there!'
John Marchiony

Monday, June 02, 2008

2008 PMC Campaign Launch!

The Pan Mass Challenge is so much more than an incredible weekend in August. It starts, for participants, with registration in January and continues through the presentation of the funds raised in late October or early November.

Yesterday, June 1st, kids rode in the first PMC Kids Ride in Wellesley. This year there will be 24, with the last on September 28.

In 2008, Team Avanti -- now a true team of five -- again will ride in the quest to eradicate cancer by raising funds for the Jimmy Fund and the researchers at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute. John Marchiony, Rob Rodgers, Rob Mosher and Joe Parrish are our "veterans," and Matt Schulman will be a rookie.

You can help and participate in many ways. For starters, please help us reach our goal of carrying 1,000 "Thrivers, Survivors, and Angels" with us. These are the people in your life who have been touched by cancer.

To see what we're talking about, please scroll down to our August 1, 2007 post where we were able to share the names and a few words about the 129 special people who inspired our ride last year. To add a name and story, please send an email to

If you also would like to donate to the Dana Farber Cancer Institute, please visit the Team Avanti eGift page.

There's more to come! We hope to have you with Team Avanti!

John, Rob, Rob, Joe & Matt
Avanti! (which means "Forward! or "Onward!")