Friday, June 09, 2006

Getting Started / 8 Weeks

8 weeks from tomorrow we ride 161 miles over two days. When I committed myself to ride the PMC -- just after the Disney Half Marathon in January -- I had some expectations. They DIDN'T include tearing my left ACL in January and having it replaced April 25 -- 14 weeks before the PMC. WOOF!

So my challenge is different than I expected, and wonderful nonetheless. The way I figure it, I can ride the PMC with one leg if I really have to, right? There are people who live life very fully with only one leg. In the grand scheme of things, and in light of what patients at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute battle, overcoming the knee "hurdle" is relatively trivial.

More to follow on this wonderful experience of supporting the good fight to eradicate cancer.



To make a donation to our PMC Team Avanti fund, please follow this link:

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